9月 20, 2019

グローバル気候マーチ ~23都道府県で5000人が参加~

English Press Release below.




Fridays For Future有志


Photo : 小原佐和子


 本日、日本国内各地の子ども・若者・市民の有志が、より実効性ある気候変動対策を求め、「グローバル気候マーチ(Global Climate Strike)(注1)」を23都道府県(注2)で開催し、数千人が参加しました。

 9月23日よりニューヨークで開催される、「国連気候アクションサミット(UN Climate Action Summit 2019)」に先駆けて「グローバル気候マーチ(Global Climate Strike)」は行われました。現在パリ協定に基づき提出された各国の温室効果ガス削減目標全てを達成しても、持続的な地球環境を辛うじて守ることができる世界の平均気温上昇を1.5℃未満に抑える目標が達成できないと予測されています。にも関わらず、各国の対策の進捗は遅々と進んでいないことから、同サミットをグテーレス国連事務総長が招集しました。また、グテーレス事務総長はサミット参加国に対して、2020年までに新規の石炭火力発電所の建設停止、化石燃料補助金の削減、2050年までのゼロエミッションの公約を求めていることを理由に、日本を含む石炭を推進し続ける国々が同サミットでスピーチを行う機会を与えない予定だと報じられています(注3)。

 日本での「グローバル気候マーチ」は少なくとも23都道府県延べ27のイベントが行われました。その中でも東京で行われたマーチが最大級であり、参加者は国連大学から表参道を通り抜け、さらに渋谷駅ハチ公像前を通り、「What do we want? Climate justice! When do we want it? Now!(欲しいものはなんだ?ー気候正義!いつ欲しいんだ?ー今だ!)」などと呼びかけながら歩きました。また、東京でのマーチの企画の中心となった学生有志団体Fridays For Future Tokyoは9月13日に東京都議会に対して「気候非常事態宣言」の発令を求める要請書を提出しています(注4)。



 このような事態を受け、海外では政府の行動の遅れに危機感を抱いた若者を中心に気候変動対策を求める団体が次々と立ち上げられています。日本でも、様々なバックグラウンドを持った学生たちが集まり、少なくとも10のFridays For Future(以下、FFF)グループが活動しています。


 FFF名古屋の中村涼夏(18・高校3年)は、「『Do or Die』今世界では『行動するか』『行動しないか』の二択の選択に迫られています。このFFFに参加するきっかけや目的は人それぞれでしょう。私の目的は『生物保全』です。動物好きな私はSNSで絶えず森林破壊や気候変動が原因で減少していく動物たちのニュースを心を痛めながら聞いてきました。よく耳にするのは海外のニュースです。しかしそんな中、私たち日本も地球温暖化や森林破壊に大きく荷担していることを知りました。他人事のように扱ってはいけない。今こそ国境を越えて行動することが必要なのです。みなさんで美しい未来の地球を残すためのActionを始めませんか。」と訴えました。



 「今回のグローバル気候マーチは、気候変動対策を求める市民運動が始まって以来、世界全体で史上最大のマーチとなりました。その背景には、もはや気候危機と呼べる危機的状況に多くの人びとが直面していることが挙げられます。不可逆的な影響を回避するには残された時間は非常に少ないのです。サミットに参加する世界のリーダーたちを始めとするあらゆるセクターの責任者は、化石燃料からの脱却そして自然エネルギー100%へのシフトを含む確実な気候変動対策を求めマーチに参加した何百万人もの人たちの声を重く受け止め、実効性ある対策を早急に打ち出すべきです。とりわけ、日本は石炭火力の新規建設を早急に止め、1.5℃目標に整合する削減目標の制定と実行を確保すべきです。」とNGO有志代表の350.org Japanの荒尾日南子(37)は述べました。


1:グローバル気候マーチ 特設ウェブサイト https://ja.globalclimatestrike.net/
3:Financial Times, September 17, 2019, ”Leading countries blocked from speaking at UN climate summit: Secretary-general takes tough line on select coal-supporting nations
4: 各地のFFFでも同様の動きがある。FFF大阪による請願書FFF京都による請願書、FFF名古屋による請願書(掲載予定) 。
5: https://ja.globalclimatestrike.net/partners/ 


荒尾 日南子(国際環境NGO 350.org 日本支部)
Tel: 070-5464-1419  Email: hinako.arao@350.org
渡辺 瑛莉(国際環境NGO 350.org 日本支部)
Tel:080-5496-4954  Email: eri.watanabe@350.org

Fridays for Futureについて
2018年スウェーデンの女子生徒グレタ・トゥーンベリさんが、「気候変動は人類の生存に対する何よりも重大な脅威であると言い続けていながら、皆これまでと変わらない生活をしているのは理解できません。温室効果ガスの排出を止めなければならないなら止めるべき」と、たった一人で始めた気候危機に対するスクール・ストライキは、世界各国の若者の共感を呼び、今では大きなうねりとなっています。日本でも5月に行われた東京でのマーチには総勢250人が参加しました。そして私たちは東京、名古屋、大阪などの国内の複数都市で同じようにFridays For Futureを立ち上げ活動を始めました。






1. 熱中症による死亡者数(人口動態統計)厚生労働省
2.”熱中症での救急搬送人数は1週間で1万8347人(2019年7月29日~8月4日).” news.yahoo.co.jp/byline/fuwaraizo/20190806-00137236/  
3.”All-time temperature records tumble again as heatwave sears Europe.”
5. “Global temperatures on track for 3-5 degree rise by 2100: U.N.”
6.”Temperatures to rise 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2030-2052 without rapid steps – U.N. report.”
7.”The impacts of climate change at 1.5C, 2C and beyond.”
8.”Half a Degree and a World Apart: The Difference in Climate Impacts Between 1.5˚C and 2˚C of Warming”
9.”Summary for Policymakers of IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C approved by governments.”

For immediate release 

 Youth-Lead Climate Strikes Conducted in 23 Prefectures Across Japan
Over 5,000 amass the streets demanding climate action 

Student Group Fridays For Future
Organizations supporting the Global Climate Strike 

September 20 2019 

Tokyo, Japan – Today, thousands of Japanese citizens, young and old took to the streets as part of the Global Climate Strike (1) to demand the Japanese government take more effective and concrete climate actions. Participants march in 27 events in 23 different prefectures (2).

The Global Climate Strike is a bottom-up movement coordinated by thousands of youth groups and endorsed by unions and civil society organizations. Strikers are encouraging bolder and more ambitious commitments that align with keeping global warming under 1.5°C at the September 23 UN Climate Action Summit in New York.

In Japan, at least 27 Global Climate Strike marches and events were held across 23 different prefectures. Among those events, the Tokyo march was the largest, with participants walking through the heart of Tokyo from United Nations University to Shibuya Station calling for climate justice and asking the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to issue a Climate Emergency Declaration (CED). 

From September 20-27, more than 5200 related events will take place globally in 156 countries.

One important characteristic of the Global Climate Strike is that it is a decentralized action, with organization occurring primarily through the Internet. The global spread of the school strikes for climate initiated by the Swedish activist Greta Thunberg is one of the reasons that the Global Climate Strike took shape. Taking after Thunberg’s simple but powerful approach of striking alone, the Global Climate Strike has adopted a system where anyone in the world can register a related event through a dedicated website. 

Another important element is that it is a youth-led event. Adults have been requested to take part to further enhance the events’ impact. Globally, over 65 unions, 2500 businesses, and 820 organizations have expressed their support for the Global Climate Strike. At least 8 businesses and 38 organizations supported events in Japan. 

Last October, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a report warning that the average global temperature could rise by 1.5 ° C as soon as 2030 if carbon emissions continue at their current pace. The report also indicates various impacts are to be expected even at a rise of 1.5 ° C, but that the worst consequences of climate change can be greatly mitigated by maintaining the global temperature rise to under 1.5 ° C compared to warming at the level of 2 ° C. The IPCC report further warns that more aggressive and innovative social changes are necessary to prevent dire consequences for human society. Specifically, it concludes that it is essential to reduce global carbon emissions by 45% by 2030 compared to 2010 emissions levels and to achieve zero emissions by 2050.

In response to the current situation, there has been an increase in youth-led movements being established around the world, as concerned youth seek climate change solutions from their governments. In Japan, many local FridaysForFuture groups have been set up. A broad range of youth, including high school and college students, are active in at least 10 groups. To date, they have organized at least three school strike related events. On September 13, FridaysForFuture Tokyo submitted a request to the Tokyo Metropolitan government to issue a CED. 

“I am an active member of FFF because I want to create a society where anyone can easily take action in response to the climate crisis. I think that there are many people that are interested in taking action on environmental issues but they don’t know what to do or don’t have people around them who have the same interest. However, in reality there are many people all over the world and in Japan who are working hard to stop the climate crisis. I believe that if we all of us came together, across borders and generations, we will be able to prevent catastrophic consequences. The Global Climate Strike is only the beginning. We’ll continue calling on the world leaders to implement ambitious policies to stop the climate crisis,” said Hiroto Inoue (19 years old) of FFF Tokyo. 

“Do or Die. The world is currently at a crossroad with the choice to take action or not to take action. People have different reasons for participating in the FFF movement. I am participating for biological conservation. I love animals and it pains my heart everytime I  hear the news of the biodiversity loss that is caused because of climate change and deforestation. My source is mostly from foreign media outlets, but I learned that we in Japan are also greatly responsible for global warming and deforestation as well. We can’t be bystanders. That is the reason why there must be concerted action across borders. Please take action with us to preserve this beautiful planet,” said Suzuka Nakamura  (18 years old) of FFF Nagoya. 

“No one, whether they are interested or not, is immune from the impacts of climate change. We are currently approaching that kind of period in time. The people who will be affected the most are the current youth and future generations that are yet to be born. It will be too late if we just wait on someone else to take climate action. Please take a placard and stand with us,” said Yuhei Tsukamoto (24) of FFF Kyoto. 

“I am participating in the FFF movement in order to increase the number of people who have a sense of urgency toward climate change, which is the biggest issue that we face. We each need to understand that this is everyone’s problem and only a limited amount of time remains to fix it. I love our planet and love the people living on it. However, I don’t want to keep living on a planet that keeps getting destroyed due to egoistic human activities. We need to act now for a more peaceful future. I request the leaders of Japan and the rest of the world to take leadership in resolving this issue,” said Makishi Sakaguchi (23) of FFF Fukuoka. 

“Our hope is that the many Japanese citizens who organized events as a part of the Global Climate Strike feel empowered and motivated to keep this momentum of demanding their government to step up to take urgent climate action by phasing out fossil fuels and accelerating the shift to a 100% renewable energy society. Government and business leaders of should seriously take to heart the voices of millions who participated part in this global effort and take urgent actions to fix the climate crisis. Japan must step up by ending its support for coal-fired power and dramatically increase its emissions reduction commitment in line with the 1.5 ° C goal, ” said Hinako Arao of 350.org Japan.

Photos from the Global Climate Strike in Japan can be accessed here:


Notes to the Editor:
1: Global Climate Strike Website https://ja.globalclimatestrike.net/
2: 23 prefectures are Hokkaido, Iwate, Miyagi, Fukushima, Niigata, Tochigi, Tokyo, Shizuoka, Nagano, Toyama, Ishikawa, Aichi, Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo, Okayama, Hiroshima, Tottori, Fukuoka, Oita, Nagasaki, Kagoshima, and Okinawa.
3: Financial Times, September 17, 2019, ”Leading countries blocked from speaking at UN climate summit: Secretary-general takes tough line on select coal-supporting nations
4: Requests for Climate Emergency Declaration by FFF Osaka, FFF Kyoto and FFF Nagoya(The text will be uploaded here.)
5: https://ja.globalclimatestrike.net/partners/  

Hinako Arao, hinako.arao@350.org

Eri Watanabe, eri.watanabe@350.org